Our Director

We are LUCKY to have TWO directors for the Lady Luck Showtime Chorus!

Each of these women had completed Directors Training Program offered by Sweet Adelines International.  Despite this, the opportunity to lead a chorus had eluded them until now. Having shared a bond of friendship over many years, they made the joint decision to pursue the directorial role. This arrangement allows them to enjoy the best of both worlds: directing the chorus and joining in the singing on the risers. This strategy has proven to be wonderfully effective for both the individuals involved and the Lady Luck Showtime Chorus.

Their longstanding association with Sweet Adelines, history of quartet performances, and honors such as the Regional Quartet fifth-place medals with Road Trip Quartet, equip them with unparalleled expertise. This duo’s rich experience within Sweet Adelines makes them ideal mentors for the Lady Luck Showtime Chorus. We’re honored to have them lead us.

Meet Jan Sloan:

Jan joined Sweet Adelines in 1979 in Noblesville, Indiana, and sang in two choruses there: Nob City Chorus and Capital City Chorus. After moving to Las Vegas in 1990, she joined the original Las Vegas Chorus. Since that time, she has been a member of two other choruses in Las Vegas and one in Southern California.  

While Jan was a member of Celebrity City Chorus in Las Vegas, she received an eighth-place International medal. She also received a second-place and a third-place International medal while she was a member of Harborlites Chorus in Southern California.  Jan has also won numerous Regional chorus and quartet medals through the years.  

Jan has been married to Jon for 53 years, who is very supportive of Jan's 'hobby.' He is even the doorman at the rehearsal hall and greets every person who walks through the door with a warm 'Hello.' He's also always willing to help with whatever the chorus needs. They have two children, Tiffiny and JJ, as well as four grandchildren and three great-grandsons. 

Besides singing, Jan enjoys riding her motorcycle with her husband and friends and working with their American Legion post.

Her sentiments about her directing position with Lady Luck Showtime Chorus: "I am grateful for the opportunity to co-direct this wonderful  chorus."


Meet Rose Hettinga:

Rose joined the Minnesota Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines International, singing lead and tenor. She sang with them for 12 years, along with directing a church choir during part of that time. 

She then took time off to return to school, eventually receiving her Family Nurse Practitioner degree. After moving to Las Vegas she joined Celebrity City Chorus (CCC), singing the baritone part for several years, winning a coveted “top ten” medal at the International level. 

When Lady Luck Showtime Chorus (LLSC) started, she quickly became a dual member of CCC and LLSC. After the original LLSC director, Rose switched back to singing tenor.  Eventually, she dropped her dual membership, making LLSC her only chorus. She has sung in several quartets as well. One quartet was in the Region 11 top 5 quartets as well as a most improved quartet. 

Ami Nicholson became the new director unto she moved to Arkansas. The chorus was left to look for a new director and soon it became apparent that finding a director was difficult in our desert location. So since she and Jan, longtime friends, had both taken the DTP training, they decided to apply together for the position as directors of LLSC. Now, after 33 years in the Sweet Adelines InternationaI organization, she is happily Co-directed Lady Luck Showtime Chorus.  

Rose has 5 children and 5 grandchildren, ages 14 - 18, and is married to Warren Hettinga, a retired UNLV music instructor.

Even with her responsibilities for the chorus, she finds the time to sing in a church choir and play French horn in two community bands.

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Guests are welcome to our chorus rehearsals, Monday evenings at 6:15 - 9:30pm.

See our Meetup page for our next rehearsal schedule, time, and location.

Come spend an evening with a fantastic group of singers, learn some incredible songs, and have fun!








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Lady Luck Showtime Chorus is affiliated with Sweet Adelines International, a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Gifts are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please check with your tax advisor concerning the tax deductability of your gift.